

GENTLE, HIGH VIBRATIONAL ACUPUNCTURE ::: And So Much More, For Evolution, Radiant Health & Happiness 

Original Post September 2023

Though my work is more of a flow than a schedule these days, I continue to practice, study and evolve, offering the gift of acupuncture wherever I go. I have spent the last 25 years alongside this potent Medicine and continue to be in awe of the transformations it offers to our own inner growth and overall health. 

The deeper I dive into the mystical and more esoteric aspects of the Acupuncture, the more interesting and vast it becomes. Each person a unique canvas, each treatment a beautiful painting waiting to be brought into harmony and balance. The sessions are an invitation to connect to a higher purpose, to Source, to your own Truth. 

And through my own evolution, a new logo began to emerge; something that represented where I've been, and where the medicine is now vibrating.  A logo with a frequency to match the work it encompasses. It's the end of an era for Red Lotus Health; but from that chrysalis emerges a stunning ... Hummingbird! And Red Lotus Health becomes Jenni Lund Acupuncture.

The lotus has been ever-present, stemming from my yogic beginnings, symbolizing our transformation from darkness to light. If you look closely at the center of the new 'geometric' lotus, there is a tiny heart shining brightly, igniting the nucleus of the blossom. This is the sacred nectar of my practice; "Love"; the first four letters (backwards) of evoLution. Lifting each and every one of you out of fear and into love is central to everything I do. It is from this place your life can be transformed at every level and in every cell.

The Colibri or Hummingbird has long been a sacred, revered, and mystical animal with healing powers. It's an utterly one-of-a-kind creature. Necessary to the entire planet, its presence as intertwined with the survival of all things as breath itself.

The deep violet and gold are colors of higher consciousness and healing. The whisper of reds and blues are in honor of my past (logo), representing all the experiences necessary to bring this medicine into it's current form. 

So there you have it; a summary of what I'm currently sharing through my art and the medium of Acupuncture, and the story of the creation of a new logo. But there's really 'So Much More', not only because I use many modalities besides needles, but because all of this is ultimately intertwined with you, us, everyday exchanges, and new information constantly emerging. Distilling that beautiful symbol and these words into the above paragraphs barely begins to scratch the surface. What's important to know is that each and every one of you has been woven into the tapestry of this creation and offering.

And from this root we all ripple outwards into the world, making it a better place, one needle at a time. :
Jenni Lund

Click here to finish reading this article or see the full newsletter here.

Above: My morning ritual on my favorite wave: Learning to longboard. Photos by Pukar Lund


“Better to see something once, than hear about it a thousand times” ~ Asian Proverb

It is not so much that I set out into the world with a plan or a budget or even a particular destination. It is more of a feeling, or an opportunity, and always accompanied by a "yes". 

Having always been a traveller, this wandering is not new to me.  But the way I am moving around is different. I can only plan a few months ahead at most because the future is so distant and changing there is just no way see that far out front with any kind of clarity. It's as if my future-self only wants me here and now. And so it is, slightly uncomfortable and slightly exciting. Each day feels precious, as if life itself is more than enough, tomorrow being so unknown that living fully present is the only option. 

These meanderings and pauses we take along the way, marinating ourselves in temples or jungles, feels like the secret sauce to recharge, tap in, and discover hidden treasures both within and without. 

Here is a sharing of some snapshots of our wanderings through Mexico, Central America, and even the USA over the last 6-months. The World, this Life, is truly an altar, and our community (congregation) seems to be wherever we land.

"Life is your Altar. Live well, in gratitude, honor, and awe."
Jenni Lund

SEE ALL THE PHOTOS AND MORE :: Including Jenni’s Immune Kit, Resources & Inspiration and +++, CLICK HERE


I really love putting together these newsletters once I get started. The actual 'starting' can take time because the endeavor is much bigger than it seems, and I know it will consume me for days, or even weeks at times.

I hope you feel the magic and love when you read these articles; and even better if a tiny spark of inspiration lands in your heart and sprouts something new that changes your life for the better. 

Lastly, thank you sincerely for reading all the way to here. And a huge thank you Tia Sims, for being a dear friend, talented colleague, and faithful editor.

Some day I'll get to that book... But for now, with Tia's encouragement, many of my past newsletter editions can be found here, on my website. 






MEXICO MAGICO ::: Scenes From a Cultural Mecca

Original Post April 2023

Last year, upon arriving in San Miguel de Allende late in the month of September, I had unknowingly landed in the middle of the biggest celebration of the year. Honestly it was both thrilling and overwhelming. Three days of fireworks morning and night, parades, dancing, offerings to the archangel patron saint of San Miguel, as well as throngs of people and noise.

Despite the ‘overwhelmed’ sensation from all the excitement and stimulation, I was also captivated by the incredible culture, colors and celebration. Though nothing has come close to the intensity of that first welcome, there continues to be a vibrance in this city and a genuine love of culture and festivity that fascinates and warms me. And though I have now seen many different holidays, 'The WOW' of the first Friday in March when the Conchero Dancers performed for 'Dia de La Conquista' in the plaza in front of La Parroquia church, has been my favorite.

To finish reading this article see the full newsletter here.

Whatever the significance I was deeply moved by the lineages and the power of their presence and dancing.  I also feel there is a lot to be learned from this synthesis of cultures and beliefs. With the complexity and diversity on this planet, it's an honor to see an interpretation of Life that is meaningful, historical, and personal.  After all, we all want the freedom to interpret this Universe in a way that makes us feel connected and accepted. 

esoteric acupuncture ::: what it is and why it matters

“Ideas that are prominent in our thoughts quickly appear as images in the energy field.  If the energy field is the blueprint that guides and molds the body, it may be that by imaging an illness, even unconsciously and repeatedly reinforcing its presence in the field, we are in effect programming the body to manifest illness"
Michael Talbot” ~ The Holographic Universe

The longer I do this work the more I realize we are not only highly individualized beings, but we are definitely multi-dimensional. Multidimensional meaning we are made up of a physical body; one that we can see, move, touch, and feel. The one that appears to change with time, feels pain and love, and experiences this 3D reality. We also have various other bodies that form around our physical body. These bodies can be sensed, but are not as easily seen or felt. 

We are, in fact, made up of several layers of bodies, each one becoming denser as it gets nearer to our densest form, the physical. It isn't as important to discuss each layer as it is to know that dis-ease in fact starts further out and makes its way through the layers of your energy bodies, finally landing within your physical form.  

Acupuncture is a beautiful system of correcting your imbalances within this physical form; because within your form, you are still 99.9999% energy and light. And it is this fact that also helps explain why acupuncture works in the first place. It corrects and balances the energetic grid of your physical body by inserting fine needles into 'spin points' and sends a message to your system to come back to homeostasis. 

“These transmissions at the spin points provide regenerating instructions for the manufacturing of enzymes and proteins which are the building blocks for the ‘new tissue’ or the ‘new organ form’ which is regenerated on the physical plane.”   JJ Hurtak Ph.D

Take that same concept and expand it out into the field beyond your physical body. Think of your physical body creating a ripple that then interacts with everything in its immediate space, then continues outward like a wave to affect everything that it comes into contact with and beyond. Now you will have the concept of what Esoteric Acupuncture is working with. Instead of the needles manipulating the qi, or energy, within the meridians, they are acting as tiny antenna sending a message out into the field and assisting your energetic bodies to come into homeostasis.  That is what is meant by multi-dimensional.

"Concerning matter, we have all been wrong.  What we call matter is energy whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses.  There is no matter."
Albert Einstein






A Beautiful, Overdue Farewell & A Warm, Unexpected Greeting

This was to be my final newsletter of Aloha. A farewell to Red Lotus in Hawaii as I wander with the wind to foreign lands, and to Tia, as she and her family head towards other shores.  

Like most all of you, it feels as if we have been snow-globe shaken ever since Covid began in 2020. And still, as if the snowflakes are still settling, the future remains wildly uncertain. Partly by choice, partly by circumstance, and partly by the empty, sparkling void of possibility coming to life in surprising ways.

However, I took such a long time to write, that now Tia finds herself back in beautiful Kona, Hawaii, and I find myself on a small, rustic porch by a river and the sea, surrounded by palms and iguanas, on the coast of Mexico. We are both finding our bliss, our calling, our center, through the snow storm of life.

The other day I picked up a new book and the first line was, "On any journey, it is the unplanned happenings that make the trip unique". I smiled. Whether traveling near or far, and we are all on this journey called Life, this space of the 'unplanned' is always one of our greatest teachers, and often our biggest joys. 

I'm continually re-minded that the secret sauce of finding the sweet spot amidst the chaos (of life, the world, the moment) is being able to sit in neutrality; a present- moment place of  “IT'S OK", as Tia's license plate famously states. Whether we are conscious of it or not, the opportunity exists, perfect in it's placement, and this practice of "it's ok" teaches us to be. And in our being, we grow. I'll be the first to admit it's not easy, and the first to tell you, vale la pena! (It's worth it!). 

Iguanas and Pumas ~ Oh My!

“My barn having burned down,
I can now see the moon.”
- Mizuta Masahide


Finding the beauty in catastrophe, the moon shining out from behind the burned barn so to speak, has been my motto for the last three months. We “moved” from the Big Island to Oahu to Florida to Washington state all within three months, with two kids in diapers; not to mention strollers, car seats, and many large suitcases. We experienced some very low lows and have come up against all kinds of challenges and discomforts. So in conclusion, after traveling around the country in search of a new home, we realized that home is Hawaii. Hawaii is where we thrive and I only truly understood that by leaving. 

Was it all in vain? In hindsight I would say not. There were many beautiful gifts within the chaos that I am forever grateful for- like a visit from my brother who passed, experiencing the autumn in the Pacific Northwest, spending quality time with my family and newest member baby Coco, and truly seeing my biggest lesson of all; to appreciate what is right in front of me. 

So, we listened to the call and are back to Big Island. Thank goodness our kids travel well!


Tia is slowly taking clients again. She is sharing an office space at Lunapule with a friend as she settles back on island. Her goal is to eventually find a place to work from home.  A warm aloha and welcome home to Tia and her family!

Phone: (424) 237-4422


"I would love to reconnect with you all and continue to share this beautiful medicine." 
~Tia Sims, M.Ac., L.Ac.

From Jenni :::

My travels took me first to San Miguel de Allende. A picturesque World Heritage Cultural Site, oozing with Colonial charm. It's a small, thriving city full of artisans, culinary delights, and markets. My son and I fell in love. This took me by surprise, as my love for cities is generally few and far between. I usually view them as nice places to visit, but glad I don't have to live there. In San Miguel the combination of charm, variety, and beauty along with it's small size and the ability to walk everywhere, captivated us. My son is taking Jiu Jitsu and cooking classes and we are both in Spanish school. There is great yoga, organic food, thermal baths, and so much more, yet most of it requires only my feet to get me there.

One day, about four-weeks in, I was on one of my morning walk-a-bouts exploring the town, and out of the blue, (where most of my great ideas come from), I had the insight to purchase a home. Costa Rica is, of course, number one but we needed a rainy season reprieve!

Now, several weeks later, while waiting for our house to close, we are exploring the coast of Mexico and looking for waves. Having learned to surf late in life and only two years ago, exploring new surf spots is mostly terrifying for me. And I mean gut wrenching, heart-pounding, uncomfortable. We landed on the coast during a super decent swell and I was treated to some of the biggest waves I've ever personally witnessed. I saw broken boards, bleeding heads, tow-ins, and the most wicked shore break that was required to navigate upon entering and exiting the ocean, aptly named 'la licuadora" ~ the blender! Face your fears but know your limits. So yes, I watched in awe and fascination from the pounding, exploding shore….

Continue Reading The Entire Newsletter Here:

Find out how I deal with the chaos that ensued:

As always, Resources and Inspiration Included:

"We are what we think.
All that we are, arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make the world."


BETTER LATE THAN NEVER ::: Lessons From the Jungle


BETTER LATE THAN NEVER ::: Lessons From the Jungle

“As you live deeper in the heart, the mirror gets clearer and cleaner.”


 Six months into the great adventure of "Right Brained Living" I have realized that the empty space of a day is something I have not experienced since I was a small child; before the hurts of the world touched me, before I felt responsible, and before my brazen independence took over.  And here it is, over 50-years later; yes, better late than never.

That spaciousness was created to simply Live, and Surf, and Be. But that expansive slumber from the ever-busy pace of life delivered an unintended consequence that I hadn’t known was a powerful need.  I’ve received a deep, soulful rest of body and mind.  Not until I slowed down enough to truly feel the innermost workings of my being, was I able to recognize the transformative, restorative power of nothingness. 

I've called this The Great Unwinding. It's as if layers and layers of responsibilities, goals, achievements, future-oriented ideals, preferences, ideas, beliefs and understandings have been peeled away. This feeling of being ‘unwound’ and ‘peeled’ has left me somewhat closer to my gooey center, to my true nature, to what feels most important.

What blooms under this great tree of space and time are things that are rich, meaningful and deep. Simple moments with nature, waterfalls, sunsets, wildlife, rainstorms, oceans, hammocks and beaches, all replete with generous, unending beauty.  Friendships blossom, deeper connections are formed, interconnectedness and community is fostered under the branches of this tree. Relationships are nourished, and prioritized.  Time alone, in quiet solitude, contemplation and meditation are welcomed.  The heart and the soul are watered and fertilized.  The body is cared for and the mind is relaxed and free. It’s a garden of peace, where the nervous system is slowly restored to a more natural place of fight or flight, and healing is cellular. 

And to be clear there is a discomfort in all this spaciousness. Because without planning, I am leaving myself wide open to the unknown. And for most of us, the wide expansive blackness of the unknown can be a scary place. I get it. But even in 6-months I've learned better; this is the place of magic and wonder. So in putting into action my understanding of manifestation: letting go of the how, being open to the unexpected, living from my heart, and staying open to possibility no matter how it shows up, has proven to be what all the books, teachers, courses, classes, Yogis, Masters, and seers have all been saying and teaching for thousands of years: It’s the secret sauce of a beautiful life. No better teacher than experience. I’ve put it to the test and I can honestly say, "wow, I should have done this a long, long time ago".

But again, better late than never.

Health & Happiness & You!

Like a wave, life gives us no moment that is ever the same as the one before.  It simply cannot be.  And in this acceptance of the never-ending sand mandala of change, we too are adapting and creating and recreating the configuration of Red Lotus Health. 

However, my motto;  “Acupuncture and Inspiration for Radiant Health and Happiness”, that was developed over 20-years ago, is more alive and true than ever. 

Happiness and Health are bonded in a symbiotic relationship. Like yin and yang they cannot exist without one another. Though they are non-dualistic (as in yin and yang) they are necessary for one another to thrive. And as each of us rises up and transforms our health and happiness it lifts those around us. In this spirit, our happiness is your happiness, our health is your health, and our transformation is your transformation.So here we are, at this crossroads of change and evolution. Our interconnectedness as real at the sunrise each day. As we at Red Lotus follow our hearts, the ripple extends to all of you, an invitation and momentum, to do the same. In love and appreciation here's what we know is happening ~





News From The Jungle ::: Heart Healing Resolutions


News From The Jungle ::: Heart Healing Resolutions

"Time stretches to accommodate your growth" ~ Jenni

 A year could be a long time or pass by in the blink of an eye. In my experience, when traveling, it seems to be both. And that time away, be it a month or a year, will be forever etched in my memory as a series of profound and unusual experiences that reshape the very fabric of my being.

The trials and tribulations of language, culture, and ‘new everything’ are very present moment based and require my mind to be here and now. The change of climate brings a new way of dressing, and living. Conversations are interrupted with no words to say what I want, and google translate becomes an imperfect and yet beautiful bridge between two worlds that previously could not intersect. The aversion to being mauled by savage mosquitos is replaced by the awe of empty beaches for as far as the eye can see. It’s all here on this planet earth; the whole scale of ecstasy to horror, very much amplified when living near the equator between a wild jungle and the endless sea, at the end of a very long dirt road.

This is a place where simple tasks can take a considerable amount time to complete because there is no auto-pilot, no known place to get organic food, no place to fill up the car with gas, no one to call if the internet goes out, or if the tire goes flat, or the water stops filling the tank. Life here is very unpredictable, and strewn with precarious one-lane bridges without guard rails that appear without warning. It all requires a surrender to “Pura Vida” the famous and very much lived phrase from Costa Rica; What will be will be, the good life, the pure life, don’t worry be happy, be grateful, all is well, all is perfect. It’s a necessary and sweet way of life.

The land of aloha has prepared me for this unwinding of time and space, where I am required to unravel my knots and preferences, relearn how to do many things, and let go of completing anything by a certain time or day. Nothing can really prepare anyone for their own experience of how all the unknowns of each day will integrate in their own body.  This is a place where every moment is a learning, an opening and an opportunity.  At the edge of jungle and sea a discomfort exists, asking of us to breathe and be, let it all integrate, as we are outside our own self imposed box and comfort zone. Ahhhh, yes.  This is that place that will create the most magnificent of memories and the hugest of expansions if we allow it.

And so this is where I am, with my son, who is thriving in the freedom of space and surf and the open-mindedness of a community that chooses to live in this remote little slice of planet earth. It calls to people from the center of their hearts, pulling them in and wrapping them in an amphitheater of sounds; from endless surf to howler monkeys, macaws to thunder and torrential rain. It is a wet and wild wonderland that can be a little scary and a lot magical.

We are here because we felt that pull, and the window of opportunity opened just wide enough to provide the clarity of jumping through. We were fueled by love and supported by timing and just enough of everything to make it work, mostly. This is my 5th time living abroad; previously England, India, Nepal and Peru. All were challenging at first and then, once the dust settled, unbelievably life altering in the best of ways. Growing pains are not necessarily fun, but learning to sit with the discomfort and feel everything, letting it move through and out is one of the biggest and best ways I’ve ever experienced to expand my field of possibility and my Self. We are all capable of much more than we can even begin to imagine. Let’s expand together!

"You can't stop the waves but you can learn how to surf"
John Kabat-Zinn

Freeing and Healing your Heart

I just finished an amazing 22-hours of online continuing education with Dr. Jeffrey Yuen. Master Yuen is one of the most sought-after teachers of Chinese medicine throughout the world. He is an 88th generation Daoist priest, and apprenticed for more than 20 years in Classical Chinese Medicine and other Daoist healing arts with Master Yu Wen, who transmitted his lineage to Dr. Yuen before Master Yu Wen’s death at the age of 108.

Honestly, I have never learned from anyone more profound and knowledgable than Dr. Yuen.

One of the subjects we spent 12-hours delving into is entitled: “The Nine Heart Pains”. It teaches us this:During sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines, some of which help promote sleep. Certain cytokines need to increase when you have an infection or inflammation, or when you're under stress. Sleep deprivation may decrease production of these protective cytokines. In addition, infection-fighting antibodies and cells are reduced during periods when you don't get enough sleep.

“All diseases are rooted in the Heart.” 

In order for full healing to take place in our bodies and in our lives, we all have to tap into this root.  

Angeles Arrien author of The Fourfold Way learned it this way from indigenous healers and Shaman: When someone was ill they would ask;

When in your life did you stop singing?
When in your life did you stop dancing (moving)?
When in your life did you stop being enchanted by stories; particularly your own life story?
When in your life did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence? 
(This place contains the deepest mystery of who we are

Wherever you stopped, this is where you began to experience loss of Spirit (Shen). This is the place to start. Sit in silence and feel that memory.

Read more about Healing Your Heart, with Resources and Inspiration by clicking below:


When we heal ourselves, we heal the world".
Mark Nepo Poet/Philosopher


IMM-POWERING YOUR HEALTH::: Your Secret Power To Natural Immunity


IMM-POWERING YOUR HEALTH::: Your Secret Power To Natural Immunity

"Nature itself is the best physician" Hippocrates

Nature; in this case meaning your own body, when balanced, possesses an enormous, astonishing, and persistent capacity to heal itself. 

Chinese Medicine practitioners have been dealing with immune system disorders for thousands of years. Let me reiterate: THOUSANDS OF YEARS!

And we know for sure that the one of the most powerful and intelligent resources you have is your very own immune system. The very one that Nature gifted you with.

So how can you boost your immunity and prevent illness? And if you do get sick, what can you do to Imm-Power yourself to help your body fight infection?

1. Receive regular acupuncture sessions:

Why? Acupuncture can regulate and balance the body's immune function in a number of ways, from opening blockages that lead to an impediment of flow to vital organ systems, to strengthening weaknesses in/or rebalancing the function in our immune, adrenal or gut systems. Acupuncture also helps your body de-stess which is #3 on my list of how to IMM-Power your immunity, help you sleep (#5), and digest better (#2).

2. Eat better foods and boost your gut health:

Why? The gut microbiome is a huge factor in immune system health and regulation. Inside the gut are about 100 trillion live microorganisms that promote normal GI function, protect the body from infection, and regulate metabolism and the mucosal immune system. In fact, it is believed they comprise more than 75% of our immune system.

Everyone needs to understand that the quality, quantity and choice of foods that you ingest has a direct effect on your health and immunity.

3. Destress Daily:

Why? Stress hormones hijack and suppress our immune system.  Simple. When you are in fight-or-flight (sympathetic nervous system) your body cannot produce the chemicals and hormones needed to ward off a biological invader.  It simply can't.  It's busy creating adrenaline to help you fight. 

The rest-and-digest or parasympathetic nervous system on the other hand is responsible for maintaining homeostasis, also known as HEALTH.  

Please note, the body does not  know the difference between a perceived threat (thinking and worrying about something that may or may not actually happen) or a real threat (ie: you are being attacked).  

A very intuitive and accurate style began to emerge; bringing in new knowledge and tools and harmonizing them with existing understandings. As this continues to evolve, I feel our treatments are more potent than ever, and new and exciting ideas are emerging. As we evolve, the benefit will be passed along to you, so stay tuned as we manifest!

So the current culture of fear can actually
be creating a threat to your immunity.

4. Make Sleep a Priority:

Why? Studies consistently show that people who don't get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus. Lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick.

During sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines, some of which help promote sleep. Certain cytokines need to increase when you have an infection or inflammation, or when you're under stress. Sleep deprivation may decrease production of these protective cytokines. In addition, infection-fighting antibodies and cells are reduced during periods when you don't get enough sleep.

Ideal rest occurs between 10pm and 6am. Sleep during the hours of 10pm and 2am repairs our bodies. Immune cells are released to seek out and destroy cancer cells, bacteria, viruses, and other harmful agents. Between 2 and 6am, sleep lets our bodies enter a stage of psychic regeneration, and the immune system is supported by chemicals released by the brain.

How much sleep do you need? Adults should get around 8 hours of sleep a night and children and adolescents need 9-10 hours.



Learn more about taking charge of your immunity, amazing products, and a Resource Guide!

Read the whole newsletter here.


Evolution at Red Lotus ::: How Did We Get Here?


Evolution at Red Lotus ::: How Did We Get Here?

We got out of our own way 🖤

I never intended to have a home office, but when this house came on the market in 2019, after I had completely given up looking, I knew magic was in the air. Though nothing like the home I had visualized (modern, minimal, zen) it had a charm and an energy that spoke to us. And after releasing the vision of what it was supposed to look like, and embracing what it was, I fell in love.


Just a few months after settling in, we were hit with a global pandemic. Suddenly my son was being homeschooled and I had to close my new home office. Keyword: Home. I was home. And Tia was also home, busy with her new baby. The timing of all of this seemed as if we couldn't have planned it better had we tried. There it was again, that flow to life that happens when we allow it; and Tia and I are both getting better at the allowing. It's called stepping out of your own way, and trusting more. Instead of worry, we embraced what was, and handled each day as a precious gift of strange uniqueness; not getting too far in front of ourselves, and not blocking what was showing up by staying curious and open to possibility.

And so allowing the trust and grace to continue, we found our way through the pandemic, both of us beyond grateful we landed where we did. We scaled back, took care of our families, and enjoyed our lives in a different, spacious, freeing way. And more opportunities flourished because of this. Different opportunities, like meditation trainings and surfing, and for Tia, creative outlets and time with her family, even camping!
— Jenni

a new relationship with our work was born

A very intuitive and accurate style began to emerge; bringing in new knowledge and tools and harmonizing them with existing understandings. As this continues to evolve, I feel our treatments are more potent than ever, and new and exciting ideas are emerging. As we evolve, the benefit will be passed along to you, so stay tuned as we manifest!


And our approach to gathering is evolving, too!

Another unexpected and beautiful creation that has emerged at our new space is people wanting to gather here, as we are able. 'Normally' (whatever that means), I am not the kind of person that hosts events! However, it seems that's exactly what's presenting, so in the spirit of the flow we have been carefully enjoying the outdoor space I call the Room of Dao with happenings like: African Drum and Dance, Sound Baths with Gongs, Cacao Ceremonies, and new and upcoming Yoni Steam Ceremonies.

If you are interested in any of those events please contact me for times and details, or to be contacted as they arise.


Learn more about mastering your world through frequencies and walking more lightly on the earth!

Read the whole newsletter here.


Compassion, Intention and Giving Thanks :::


Compassion, Intention and Giving Thanks :::

COMPASSION IS A Strong Back, Soft Front

Strong back, soft front. This is how we sit in meditation; and how we then walk through life. Tall, strong, resilient, yet open-hearted, kind and caring. In my fifth month of Meditation Teacher Training we are studying compassion, and it feels like now, for so many reasons, (divisiveness, Covid, holidays, to name a few), is such a perfect time to contemplate, practice, and radiate compassion, to all beings.

Compassion is to see clearly into the nature of suffering, and to recognize that you are not separate from this suffering. In addition, you aspire to transform that suffering, and actively engage in activities that assist in this transformation.
— Jenni

Why cultivate compassion?

It builds our Resilience. We will  feel into the suffering of others more, but we go back to our baseline much easier. This quicker recovery is better for your nervous system and adrenal function to name a few. In addition, with all the global chaos, which we are all experiencing to some degree, this capacity to feel, yet stay calm, is a powerful tool to help keep you centered and balanced.

It enhances Neural Integration. Meaning, it hooks up our right and left hemispheres and connects more neural pathways in our brain. Neural integration has been shown to improve: anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, allergies, mood swings, cognitive difficulties, addictions and more.

Compassion strengthens our Immune System. Amazing to begin to understand that our thoughts, and what we choose to to think about, can change our physiology. 

How can I cultivate compassion?


Please listen to this very inspiring Ted Talk by Joan Halifax as she teaches us about compassion on a personal and global level: Click Here


This is a beautiful explanation and meditation on compassion and loving kindness by author and inspirational speaker Pema Chodron. Click Here to uplift yourself and others.


Kristen Neff teaches that our most atrophied muscle is that of Self-Compassion. Her website has wonderful meditations for cultivating self-compassion.


Learn more about cacao for your heart and soul and inspiration to grow yourself!

Read the whole newsletter here.


Fascinating Five Elements ::: With Tia


Fascinating Five Elements ::: With Tia

What is it that compliments but also distinguishes Tia and Jenni’s style of practice? Below, Tia dives into the heart of her passion, Five-Element Acupuncture.

Classical Five-Element Acupuncture is set apart from other systems of acupuncture by its fundamental premise of diagnosing and treating a patient's Causative Factor, or his/her root imbalance. Just as the five elements can be seen in nature, (summer, late summer, autumn, winter, and spring), so can they be found in every living being.  Although we are all made up of each of the elements, (fire, earth, metal, water, and wood), there is one main element that we embody from birth to death and it is this very element, or Causative Factor, that can be our greatest gift or greatest weakness depending on how balanced we are. 


The Causative Factor is assessed by way of objective information provided by the body itself. Each of the elements has a corresponding color, sound, odor and emotion, which can be perceived when a particular element is out of balance. While it is relatively simple to memorize these associations, developing the skills to truly see, hear, smell, and feel these imbalances requires focused study, practice, and skilled guidance. Accurate diagnosis and treatment of the Causative Factor is the key to Classical Five-Element Acupuncture and the doorway to living your greatest potential. 

Beyond the physical, mental, or emotional pain is a place of wholeness and freedom that has always been present and is ultimately untouchable. I would be honored to visit with you in the treatment room and begin this unique and exciting journey of healing together.
— Tia

In order to properly diagnose and treat in the traditional five-element style, we have added a new Five-Element specific package, and a Five-Element Initial Intake.  If you are a current patient but would like to have a full five-element treatment, Tia needs to spend at least 90 and up to 120 minutes with you to diagnose your element accurately.  This requires a new initial visit for five-element.  

Learn More About The Five Elements

If you want more information or have further questions please contact Tia

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Love In Action ::: Authenticity, Integrity

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Love In Action ::: Authenticity, Integrity

“You don’t need to be extraordinary. If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear. People who can open to the web of life that called us into being, and who can rest in the vitality of that larger body.” Joanna Macy ~ Wild Love for the World. 

I posted this on my Facebook several weeks ago, but it seems today it is more relevant than ever.  What a time to see what a difference ordinary people can, and do, make.  With so much going on in the world these days, where does your heart pull you to create positive change?  Being present as who we are, authentically, with integrity, that is our place of highest service. Vulnerable, Courageous. Just. Do. You.

Authenticity: The practice of letting go who we think we're supposed to be, and embracing who we are. 

Integrity: Choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.  

~Brené Brown

Clinically:  I'm seeing a lot of nervous system overload, stress in the body acting like muscle tension and pain, and general fatigue.  I call it background noise.  Even if we are not directly immersing ourselves in the media and chaos, we feel it.  How? We are connected in this world-wide web of life, and whether we are aware of that or not, it affects us.  It hides in our weak spots and pretends to be a pulled muscle, and old injury that is acting up, or any number of "stories." 

Practice: Try playing around with "is it real?" Sit quietly, body relaxed. Breathe, and focus on the pain.  That's right, the pain. Where is it?  Can you find the bottom of it? Is it really there? Can you let go of the story and focus on just the sensation without a label?  Breath into it, and exhale, relaxing. Continue for 5-15 minutes. End your session with feeling gratitude deeply; for yourself, this time, the pain, the background noise. I've had great success with this in my own body. 


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